“I will start getting up early!” “I will be a gym regular for sure; I need to lose those extra pounds man!” “I won’t lose my temper no matter what!” “No smoking from tomorrow!” Oops! Does that sound like last year, or no a year before that, or wait maybe it was in 2009! So many of us or in fact most of us are stuck with the same resolutions with every passing year. I think I would better say we have the same wish-list every year than perhaps a New Year resolution! It’s our accumulated desires which get a voice through the word resolution and we hope to follow them at least some time or some year. The word resolution is just to give a “light kick” to our desires, so much so that we follow it for a day at least. Like I remember the new year’s morning for the year 2013 which was the only day that year when I woke up at five, went for a walk and smiled and wished good morning to every person whom I passed by that day! From the next day and onwards I was the same lazy and gru...
Lets talk about some small but big things!