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Do you realize what you have or should I take it away from you first !!

After a long tug of war that was going on in my head for I guess months together, I finally submitted my resignation from my current organization. And to my surprise the moment I received a date for my relieving everything around me somewhat changed. The entire experience of my moving to a strange city all by myself, and exploring things people and possibilities hovered over me. All my experiences, happy moments and good gestures by people I met on the way made me a little emotional every day. And at my workplace as well, everyone was much more expressive, and admiring for both my work and my attitude, in short, people became a little more expressive and I became a little more receptive. If both I and my colleagues would have been the same ways while I was regular wouldn’t we have made it much more memorable!

I think for some reason we all are a little hesitant to look at the good side of anything, until of course we know we wont have it anymore. Or in other words it wouldn’t be wrong if I say we don’t appreciate what we have and perhaps always look at the other side of the picture and want what we don’t have. Though we have one single life, I feel we have it comprised of many many days, and by natures grace we have an opportunity to begin each day fresh and new. If we end each day as if we have to begin a new life tomorrow, and live each day as a new being then I guess we’ll have so many lives and so many opportunities, and we can infact appreciate all little good gestures, and everything we have for that single day so much more. Express more frequently and more freely, be thankful for what you have, appreciate and enjoy small moments that make you smile everyday, there is nothing bigger that you need to be happy and be satisfied atleast. After all if being deprived of is something that makes us realise its worth then I guess it will be too late if we realise the worth of life itself when we will be deprived of it. Don’t live the same day for 75 years and call it a life! Make it memorable until its too late! 


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